Hall passes for Jo

I was out of town this weekend so Jo decided to visit Club Topaz Friday and Saturday nights by herself. She sent me several text messages asking if it was really okay with me. I reassured her and although she had some apprehension once she reached the lobby went in.

I expected her to play with the owner, Charley. They have done a lot of kissing over the last few months and he always makes a big deal over her and tells her they, “Need to do more sometime.” His wife, Dania, hasn’t shown much interest in me so we haven’t pursued it and I figured this would be their chance. Unfortunately he wasn’t there either night.

On Friday there was a guy who was quite smitten by her, Karl. They danced and kissed some. He had a big erection while on the dance floor and told her a bunch of things that turned her off. A real smooth talker:

  • Claimed to be a liberal talk show host
  • I would be delighted if you’d have diet Coke with me
  • Maybe we could go change and go on a tour of the playrooms
  • She looked like two famous hot actresses

Maybe there weren’t any lies but the constant flattery causes one to doubt his sincerity.

Saturday night she again asked if it was okay with me if she went to the club. I told her the usual, “Yes. Just report back to me.”

We were texted about other stuff just before she left home and I asked her, “Any interesting prospects for tonight?” She reported back that Mick and Michelle had RSVP’d. They always have a very strong interest in Jo and Jo always has a good time with them so I expect that would be her playmates for the evening. I indicated I expected she would have a good time with them and she said, “I hope they show up!”

She then, again, asked, “You’re okay with me going?” I was a tiny bit annoyed by being asked the same question so many times and told her:


How many times do I have to tell you? How many times do you need to play by yourself without adverse consequences?


I love you and know you love me. I know you will still want to be with me the next night.

Just don’t hide anything, tell me the truth, and everything will fine on my end.

The text conversation continued:

Jo: Am I hiding something? I sort of needed reassurance that it’s okay.

Bob: Nope. I don’t think so. You would know better than me. Smile Does it bother you that I’m okay with this? You have my reassurance.

Jo: No! It’s AMAZING that you’re ok with this. I feel bad that I can’t do the same…yet.

Bob: Don’t feel bad. I would like for you to be okay with it. But I know it is a bit step that you aren’t really ready for. And I know you had a bad first experience when you tried. Just know I’m extremely pleased to have you share this part of my life with so much enthusiasm. Xoxoxo

Jo: Xoxoxo

When she got to the club she sat in the car for a bit and texted me again. She said she was leaving her phone in the car and texted me a picture of herself:


I texted back, “You were giving me an erection just being there. Now this!”

There was no answer for two hours and twenty minutes. I figured she was having a good time and it was difficult for me to go to sleep wondering what she was doing.

She finally texted back:

Jo: Sigh. Wish I could put that erection to good use. Nothing there. No Mick and Michelle. Ferrari man was there. Talked to him a long time. I have his card. I wasn’t feeling playtime. Conversation with Andy and Ronda and Swedish couple. I had my hands on the butts of both guys for a while.

Bob: Thanks for the update.

Jo: Andy and Ronda have never played with anyone.

Bob: Interesting! Do they want to?

Jo: He does. I think he said we had a chance. Wondering if I should go back in and lure them.

Bob: Smile I’m definitely interested in her.

Jo: I went back in to propose the idea of me being a bonus person, soft only, but they were back already.

Bob: Maybe we should try to have drinks or dinner with them sometime.

Jo: Maybe. Rick gave me their super snazzy card.

Bob: Smile

Anyway, while she didn’t get to play with anyone she had a nice time and knows more about Andy and Ronda (we knew some of this from before but expected by now they had gotten beyond it) who we have both had a long time interest in.

Benefits of sex

The many joyous health benefits of having more sex:

According to research in the Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, orgasms half the body’s sensitivity to pain, due to the flow of endorphins (read: natural painkillers) they create. What’s more, those endorphins take effect in a matter of minutes – which is far quicker than most over-the-counter drugs available on the high street.

According to a study carried out in Pennsylvania and published in Psychology Report, people who have sex once or twice a week have, on average, 30pc more Immunoglobulin A (IgA), which is used to fight illness, than those who are not sexually active.

According to a study that was published in Biological Psychology, men who have recently had sex respond better to stressful situations.

Men who have sex at least twice a week can almost halve their risk of heart disease, according to research published in 2010 by scientists at the New England Research Institute in Massachusetts.

The study, of over 1,000 men, showed that sex has such a protective effect on the male that its authors went as far as calling for doctors to screen men for sexual activity when assessing their risk of heart disease.

In 2010, research published in the journal PLoS ONE suggested that rats who mate regularly had a higher rate of cell proliferation in the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain linked to memory. The rats also experienced more brain cell growth and a rise in the number of connections between brain cells than those who did not.

In 2013, Dr Weeks told the British Psychological Society that sex has a number of health benefits which can make men and women look between five and seven years younger. Partly, this is due to the health benefits summarised above (a healthy person tends to look younger than an unhealthy person), but he also pointed to the release of human growth hormone in the act of love making, which makes skin look more elastic.

Another piece of research, conducted by scientists at the Royal Edinburgh University, found that couples who merrily romp at least four times a week look a whole decade younger than less libidinous twosomes. The pleasure of penetration releases positive hormones such as adrenalin, dopamine and norepinephrine, which help preserve skin cells and relax muscles, therefore preventing wrinkles.

Jo and I are on the right track.

Lights out

Last night we went to Club Diamond. Kent and Karla had told us they would be there and we (well, mostly me) were hoping to be able to talk to them some more. Club Diamond has a much better atmosphere for talking. Also, the RSVP list showed Toni would be there. And Ben and Jackie planned to be there too.

Jo was feeling a little sore from all the sex we had the night before and said she probably wouldn’t be playing. I could just wander off and play with who ever I wanted and she would be fine. She reassured me several times this would be okay so that was my plan. Maybe Karla or Toni and if not them Jackie has had a very strong interest in me in the past so maybe her.

When we arrived about 8:10 PM and the people directing the parking reported the power had gone out with them rain and wind storm we were having. There were candles and kerosene lamps in various rooms but it was still quite dark and made for a much different atmosphere. By about 9:00 PM the power came back on and I was actually a little disappointed.

Even more odd than the power outage was that Jackie and Ben would barely say hi to us. We couldn’t figure it out. I impressed Stephanie by remembering her name but she was so busy talking to others that I, being the introvert, almost didn’t say a word while hanging around and listening to a bunch of extroverts chatter away.

Kent and Karla never showed up. It wasn’t until just now as I write this that I may have figured out why. One of the other party guests told us the freeway not to far from Kent and Karla’s house, and many miles from Club Diamond was blocked by trees knocked over by the wind. I wouldn’t be surprised if they encountered the multi-mile back up and just went home rather than try to find an alternate route.

Ichabod and Tanya were there. We didn’t expect them. I have long thought she was exceptionally beautiful but assumed the odds were very low of her being interested in me and with her husband not even close to being a match for Jo I just figured the odds were essentially zero.

But my previous chats and her overt interest in me combined with Jo suggesting I find someone to play with on my own meant this might be my lucky night!

We saw one tall, extremely good looking, guy there that Jo was immediately interested in. We knew we had seen him before but didn’t recognize the woman he was with. Jo finally put it together. It was Jovan and Tina. We had seen them at another club in the area months and talked for quite a while. Jo had spent a lot of time kissing him but Tina and I were a little more shy and only talked. We had a lot in common and enjoyed the conversation months ago and again this time. We were standing in the hallway and the people walking by were easy to reach out and touch and they touched and grabbed back when everyone knew it was welcome. Tanya walked by a few times and are touching got more and more intimate. Once she cupped by groin and gave me a big smile. I was very encouraged.

We sort of drifted apart from Jovan and Tina as people stopped to talk to us and I asked Jo if it was okay to give them our card. She said, “Sure. I won’t hurt. But we sent had them messages on SwingLifestyle.com after our last meeting and they never returned them.” She assumed Tina wasn’t all that interested. That was a reasonable assumption. I knew Jovan was definitely interested in Jo. And I thought Tina was a good match for me as well even if we hadn’t done much touching. So it pretty much had to be Tina, right? Or else “life got in the way” and they just didn’t have time for lifestyle stuff for a while and forgot about us.

Jo took one of our cards and wandered off to give it to Jovan and I stood around watching people for a minute or so when Tanya came up behind me and put her arm around me. I immediately reciprocated and we began touching and talking. She is very smart, well educated, and an introvert like me. We talked about the difficulties of being an introvert in the lifestyle, our kids, and she went on and on about how wonderful the lifestyle cruise she and Ichabod had gone on. After a while I asked if she would like to play with me. She told me, “Yes and no. I really want to but we are soft swap only. Are you going to run away now?” I told her no. I was very interested in full swap with her but that just hanging out and talking to her was more than enough to hold my interest.

She explained some about the reason for the soft swap only rule. Ichabod was fine with everything except another man having his penis in her pussy and similarly she was fine with everything except him putting his penis in the pussy of another woman. But there were many times when she almost desperately wanted to have sex with another guy. “We’ll get there eventually”, she concluded.

Jo showed up about then and the three of us talked for a while and I asked Tonya what their rules were, “Everything but intercourse?” “Yes”, she replied. I asked if she would like to go play with me with those rules. She said, “Yes, but I’ll have to ask Ichabod first. Can you wait and see how that turns out?” I agreed and Jo and I wandered around and talked to other people for a while. We could see Ichabod and Tanya talking for many minutes before they finally went off to the dance room by themselves.  I guess the answer wasn’t in my favor.

Jo reported she had a very hot and heavy “make out session” with Jovan on the porch when she was delivering the card. But with Tina not showing a lot of interest it didn’t seem like there would be anything come of it.

We decided to maybe it was time to leave because it was going to be early morning before we would be in bed. I wanted to check on Tanya one last time before I left and I found her with Ichabod in the dance room moving to the music and appearing to be very much into each other for the moment. I figured it was time to go.

I went back to find Jo and leave when Tina crossed paths with me and touched me and asked, “Do you guys play at parties?” “Yes!”, I replied and returned her sensuous touches. “We’ll catch up with you sometime then”, she answered and we went on our separate ways.

I found Jo and we watched and listened to a very drunk woman ramble on for a while before leaving. As we were pulling away I told her about Tina asking if we played at parties and she asked, “Do you want to go back?” I was surprised and said, “But I thought you were too sore to play with anyone tonight.” “I’m consider making an exception for him!” she said. It wasn’t entirely clear to me that Tina was talking about tonight, it was getting very late, and I didn’t want Jo to get even more sore so I told her I would rather just go home.

Jo feel asleep while in the car and by the time we arrived home I was sleepy too. I was in bed a couple minutes before Jo and almost asleep when she said aloud, “I wonder if I’m still sore.” She felt herself for a while and said, “I think I’m okay.” I was developing an erection just from her cuddling up to me and it took no time to convince me that it would be nice to have sex before going to sleep.

Meeting and hike

In part due to our frustration at not finding many good matches at the parties we have been going to Jo contacted a couple via SwingLifestyle.com that lives over two hours away. It’s too far for a close relationship of the type we would like but other than the distance their profile was a really good match for us.

One of the things we had in common with them was an interest in the outdoors so the four of us decided to meet about half way in between and go for a hike. It was a fairly short hike but we found a secluded beach and sat down on a log in the shade and talked for a long time. It was extremely pleasant talking to them. We learned they were retired in their mid-fifties after having productive technical jobs. They have been married for over 30 years and seemed very happy together. Some people seem to “have their guard up” all the time and maybe are hiding something from you. Kipp and Katherine were really easy to talk to and we had so much in common. It was a delight being with them.

We walked back to our cars and then went to a local restaurant for a very late lunch. We talked and talked. Finally we had to go because of the somewhat long drive home. We had somewhat passionate goodbye kisses and agreed we should get together again soon.

Club hopping

A couple weeks ago we met a couple via SwingLifestyle.com and enjoyed talking with them over drinks. But he was a former politician of considerable note (at the state level) and the politician in him was a little bit irritating after a while. The wife was nice and there wasn’t anything that was a definite deal breaker. We agreed to meet again sometime and as we parted Jo did her standard “good lover” test of kissing him. He failed. After we got home we looked up more information via the web on the politician. He was several years older than what they had said on their SLS profile. Another strike against them. But what do you expect from a politician? It’s like they say, “Q: How do you know if a politician is lying? A: His lips are moving.”

They wanted to get together again and we agreed to see them but not one-on-one. We suggested a Meet and Greet where we could meet others and give our SLS acquaintances a polite brush off if they continued to fail our tests.

I wasn’t all that interested in going to the Meet and Greet. When the band started playing it was too loud to talk to people and there just didn’t seem to be any good matches except for people we already knew. But Calvin and Jerri reported they had met something like five really nice looking couples the last time they went. So we decided to go then if things didn’t look very promising we would bail early and go to Club Topaz.

We arrived just as the M&G was supposed to start. On previous visits arriving 15 minutes after it started resulted in not being able to find a table or chair. This time we were the first ones there. We had a nice time talking with the organizers and we had seats which allowed us to see everyone as they came in. After an hour or so there were probably 25 or 30 couples and no one of interest to us. We were about to leave when the former politician and his wife showed up. We stayed for a while to talk to them and she was really stoned. She was almost zombie like with an almost shuffling walk, turning her entire body instead of just her head, and slow speech. He wasn’t stoned that we could tell but the politician was just as evident and we decided we weren’t interested in anyone there. We told them we were leaving to go to Club Topaz and they said they would go too. Okay, whatever.

As we were getting into our car Calvin and Jerri drove up and stopped right in front of us. Jerri gave us this exaggerated shocked and questioning look and mouthed, “What?” We went over to greet and kiss them. We told them we didn’t see anyone of interest there and were going to Club Topaz. They said they wouldn’t be going because it was further away from home for them (it was closer to home for us) and they were in Amsterdam that morning and weren’t going to be out very late this night. They had visited a sex club there and were quite impressed with it. After a few minutes of chatting we parted and continued on to Club Topaz.

The politician and stoned wife were already there. He showed increasing interest in Jo until she finally told him they weren’t a good match for us. I chatted with Kenny and Darcy for quite a while. And then saw a tall very good looking woman in a white dress with nothing underneath that had just as much are with holes as it did fabric. She and the dress were quite stunning. I just sort of starred and drooled for a long time.

Jo had surveyed the landscape and other than sitting on the lap of the club owner and kissing for a while didn’t see anyone of interest there. So she walked up to the tall woman in the white dress and did a “height check”. The woman was wearing about four inch heels and was close to two inches taller than Jo who was wearing flats. We chatted with her for quite a while. Her name was Karla. She told us she and her husband had just got back from Hedonism II. She, as well as everyone else we know who has been there, thought it was a wonderful place and how after a few days they would just wander around separately and have sex with people they were attracted to. She pointed out her husband, Kent, at a nearby table and as she finished getting her drink at the bar told us we should talk to him too.

When I saw an empty chair at the table I sat down and chatted with him for a while. They are planning to go to Club Diamond next week and the hotel takeover by Club Topaz in a couple months. We already had the same plans so that seemed like we had some similar interests. He seemed to be a nice guy too but I’m not sure he is tall enough to be interesting to Jo. They also both have a few tattoos which loses them a few points in my book. I gave him our card anyway and told him we would look forward to seeing them again. It was just too loud to chat for very long and really get to know them. Jo sat at the table with us for a few minutes and couldn’t hear a word that we said.

Jo and I ended up going into one of the play rooms together. The room was nearly full and we got to watch probably another half dozen couples have sex at the same time as we were playing. The politician and his stoned wife poked their heads in the room and watched longingly at Jo and I for a while before leaving.

After we were done we went home to get some sleep. We had big day ahead us…

Hotel rendezvous

We met Kipp and Katherine at a hotel last night. As we were getting ready to go Jo was having second thoughts. Meeting at a hotel for sex made her feel a little odd. “Sort of like being a prostitute”, she said.  Some of my best memories of being in the lifestyle have taken place at hotels with another couple and I was disappointed that she wasn’t looking forward to the meeting as much as I was. She reassured me that I just plan on having a good time and maybe things would work out for her.

We meet at a restaurant a couple blocks from the motel and had a nice dinner and again we were instantly at ease with them and immensely enjoyed the conversation. I sat on one side of the table with Katherine and Jo was sitting across the table from me next to Kipp. At one point as we talked after dinner Kipp got a funny look on his face and his speech stumbled for a moment. Jo had put her hand somewhere on his lap. They continued to touch each other as we chatting. Soon Katherine and I were touching too.

Then after we had paid the bill and there was a pause in the conversation Kipp and I almost simultaneously suggested it was time to leave and go to the hotel.

The hotel room had two queen sized beds and Katherine and I used one bed while Kipp and Jo used the other one. After we were done having sex we again talked and talked.

One of the things that was somewhat surprising that came out of the conversation I had with Katherine was that her first sex partner was Kipp. And after years of marriage and children he had suggested she have sex with other men, without him, to see what other sex partners were like. I asked, “Did you liked that?” “OH YEAH!”, was the response. He probably would have had playmates of his own but there weren’t didn’t seem to be any opportunities for him. That was something like 20 years ago and it wasn’t until just a few years go they discovered SwingLifestyle.com and sex clubs and started playing with other couples.

We tried to figure out when we could next get together but it just doesn’t look good for next couple of months. We both have various travel and family plans which didn’t provide for any matching weekends. We were all disappointed because we get along so well together.

Then after trips to the bathroom by various people Jo ended up in bed with Katherine and I for a while. It was nice but lasted only a little longer than enough to give them both hugs while on either side of me. Katherine went to be in bed with Kipp and after a while I suggested to Jo that we have sex. As things started warming up between us Kipp and Katherine also started having sex with each other.

After we were finished again Katherine said having a “Round Two” with your normal partner while still in the same room was a first for them.

Jo and I left to go home while Kipp and Katherine were going to spend the night.

The last party

Jo and I went to the last party at Club Pyrite last night. In my previous post are the pictures of the play area.

It was sad. Almost all the art was off the walls and on tables in the ballroom. I had purchased two about a month ago and I bought two more which matched the ones I already had.

Jo and I socialized with numerous friends, avoided some people that had a lot of interest in us but were of no interest to us, ate dinner, danced, and finally went to the play area together. The play area was nearly completely full when we got there and was packed with people “in orbit” around the loop when we left. We didn’t see anyone playing with someone that

Probably the most interesting thing for me was a woman that I found talking to Jo after I returned from a trip to the bathroom. I didn’t recognize her but she was telling Jo what a nice person I was and how much she appreciated something I had done for her. At first I thought maybe it was someone I had sex with and didn’t remember. But I was almost certain that wasn’t the case. Jo reported that this women knew Jo by name and Jo didn’t recognize her either. There have been times it takes me a while to recognize someone after it has been a few years and perhaps the only time I saw them was in a darkened room without clothes on. But I convinced myself this wasn’t the case in this instance.

We talked for a while and hit it off fairly well. She likes to have a connection to her playmates and is on the polyamorous end of the scale of people in the lifestyle. She left when she had to “go fold towels” which I think means she was doing volunteer work last night. As she left she said something cryptic and I didn’t figure it out until later. She said, “Thanks for closing the curtains.” I think “the thing I had done for her” was that sometime in the eight years she had been a member there I had closed some curtains to a play space she was using when she was having trouble closing them. That’s in character for me even though I don’t specifically remember that instance.

Late last night Jo captured why we haven’t been happy at this club for quite a while (paraphrasing some):

This is now more a social club than a sex club. Most of the swingers have left .

It’s the end of what I have been told was the longest continuously running sex club in the United States and perhaps the world. I was a small part of it from before it’s doors opened until the last party.

Party house pictures

Last night was the last party ever at Club Pyrite. I first visited here over 35 years ago. The first woman I ever had sex with other than my wife was here. And the first man she had sex with, other than me, was also here. I could not begin to tell you how many people I have seen have sex here.  I cannot tell you how many times I have been to this club but probably on the order of 500 times.

I got permission to come in early before the party and take pictures of the play area. Click on the pictures for a larger version.

These are the indoor and outdoor hot tubs.

This is the entrance to the locker room, bathrooms, and showers. I didn’t take pictures in there as there were people there at the time.

This is the stairway to the upstairs play area. Some people have called it, “The stairway to heaven.”

This is the bed at the top of the stairs for the “Bed Monitors” to make sure people entering the play area obey the rules.

This is the interior of the room you see on the right in the previous picture.

This is to the right of the bed for the bed monitors.

This is a group area to the immediate right as you come up the stairs.

Looking down the hall between the bunk beds and the group area you see the “Frog Chair”.

A closer view of the Frog Chair.

Around the corner to the right from the Frog Chair we enter the Red Room.

Opposite the bed in the previous picture are these two sets of beds. Both the upper and lower area are composed of two king sized mattresses. The upper area is what Jo and I call The Perch.

This is what The Perch looks like.

This set of pictures is part of the view from The Perch as you scan from left to right. You can also see the first bed coming into the Red Room and if you try a little bit you can see the Frog Chair as well.

This is the rest of the Red Room as you continue on to the right from The Perch.

This is looking back into the Red Room from the opposite end of the room.

I forget this room is officially called, maybe “The Glow Room”. Jo and I just call it the Black Light room. It is illuminated with black light and paintings, posters (gone in the picture), towels, sheets, etc. created some interesting effects here. It is just round the corner from the Red Room as you can see in the last picture.

This is the Mirror Room. The ceiling is covered with mirrors. This is the room where Jo had her first lifestyle sex with someone other than me.

To the left of this bed you can see into the Mirror Room. Beyond the bed you can see the Bed Monitor bed. To the right you can see the railing for the stairway. We have come back to the beginning. This is “The Loop” I sometimes mention.

On the left you see the stairs going up to the upper play area. In the picture on the right you see a play and socialization area. To the extreme right is the entrance to another play area.

This set of pictures is primary downstairs play area. On the right you see the back of a couch and smaller play area.

On the far left of the upper picture you see part of the primary play area from the previous set of pictures. Then the couch and video screen (X-rated videos shown here during parties). In the last picture you see another frog chair which is to the far left of the video screen.

On the left, with the video viewing area in the background and the stairs on the left you see the public massage table at the base of the stairs. On the right is another view of the table.

Although Jo and I hadn’t played with any couples, despite trying many times, in over a year I’m going to miss the club. There are so many memories and the club changed my life. It was a such a huge part of my life.

Group dynamics

Last night we went to Club Topaz. We spent a lot of time wandering around and chatting briefly with various people of little interest or people we had played with before, such as Trevor & Kathleen from just the night before who seem to be on the prowl for someone new. Kane was very interested in Jo and they spent a lot of time talking and kissing but Jo didn’t really want to play with him.

I was standing at a table alone while Jo went to get a snack and Ivy came up to talk to me. We knew her from Club Pyrite but we hadn’t really talked much there. I remember her being a very enthusiastic kisser in a game of spin the bottle but that and a few very short exchanges of pleasantries were about all the interactions we had had before. She is nice looking but quite a bit younger than me. And since she doesn’t usually have a partner at the parties I didn’t see much future in pursuing her. But she was expressing interest in me and Jo was spending a lot of time with Kane so maybe it was time to get to know her better.

We talked a long time. We talked about how she got into the lifestyle just a couple years ago, our ex-spouses, and what we liked to do at parties. Except for the age difference, which she didn’t seem to be concerned about, we are a pretty good match. We danced together, kissed, and fondled. All the while Jo was doing pretty much the same thing with Kane. I needed to use the bathroom and wanted to talk with Jo before suggested to Ivy that we go into the play area.

When I got back from the bathroom neither Jo nor Ivy were in sight and as looked around I found Jo first. I went to talk to her and she was in a group with Trevor & Kathleen, Jack & Danielle, and two other couples that we had some interest in that night but hadn’t talk to at all. It turned out the group was getting ready to go into the play area together and Jo and I were invited. Okay. It was sort of a surprise to us, but we definitely like two of the couple and had an interest in the other two, so we decided to join them.

I saw Ivy off in the distance as Jo and I disappeared into the play area. But I didn’t have time to explain to her that I was disappearing even though I was very interested in her and appreciated all the time she had invested in getting to know me.

We found a play area big enough for all five couples and Jo and I weren’t quite sure what the plan was from there. Everyone took off their clothes and Jo and I went off to one side with each other. Kathleen saw this and started directing. She put Jack with Jo, and me on the other side of Kathleen from Jo. One of the guys and one of the women I didn’t know was with Kathleen. I joined in with the touching of Kathleen’s breasts as the other woman performed oral sex and used a vibrator on her and the guy kissed Kathleen’s breasts as well. I gradually gave more and more attention to the other woman but she was concentrating on Kathleen and wasn’t giving me much back in return. I wasn’t really sure she wanted my attention and started giving attention to the other woman I didn’t know who was with her husband. She reciprocated for a while but as things got more and more intimate she excused herself and she and her husband left the room for a while.

The woman with Kathleen was finishing up and her husband was getting ready to have sex with Kathleen. By this time Jack and Jo were having sex and it provided a stimulating background to seeing Kathleen having sex with the other guy. And over near the door I saw Ivy with the young guy who told us “it only takes one couple or even one person to make the difference“ a couple weeks ago.

The woman moved to me and we took turns performing oral sex on each other then I put on a condom and had sex with her. The other couple returned to the room next to us and had sex on the bed next to us. After Jo and Jack finished up Jo visited Mick & Michelle who were close by and kissed with them for a while as I finished up with my partner.

As I lay down beside my partner she smiled, told me her name and laughed. Her name was Madeline. She, as did I, thought it was funny to be exchanging names after you had sex with someone. But that is the way it is sometimes in groups. Not everyone knows everyone else but the group dynamic is that you end up with someone you haven’t been introduced to yet. I prefer to have a emotional connection with someone but sometimes you can have a great time when you don’t make the connection first.

After a while Madeline excused herself and Jo moved from being with Mick & Michelle to being with me. We had sex with each other, cuddled for a while, and went home.

The next day I sent a message to Ivy and explained what happened. That I was interested in her but on the spur of the moment Jo and I got invited with the group. She said she understood that you have to go with the flow. And told me she had a good time at the party. The guy had asked her if she wanted him to give her oral sex and so they went into the play area for that and after many minutes of oral sex they had intercourse together which she enjoyed.

I was okay with the way things went but Jo wasn’t all that happy. She didn’t like being treated as “an interchangeable female”. She had a nice time with Jack but the group dynamic sort of turned her off. We have some busy weekends ahead of us and probably will be taking a short break from the sex club scene.