We went to the club again earlier this week. There weren’t very many people there, maybe 50 at most. There weren’t any good matches for us. Most weren’t that good of a match physically. I had an interest in some of the single women but there weren’t any single men of interest to Jo. And there was at least one couple that looked interesting but they were not interested in a full swap.
We did have a nice chat with the entertainment director. I had sent her a link to this blog and asked if doing this blog was okay. There are privacy issues of course and I have been and plan to be very careful not to reveal enough information that people outside the club could figure out who is attending. She said she really liked the blog and was going to talk to some other people to make sure they thought it was okay too.
I explained and she immediately recognized it was probably impossible to prevent people who actually attended the parties from figuring out some of the people and the activities. This is particularly true of those people that we play with. We left it that I would continue to be very obscure in personal details and the phony names and she would talk to the club president and others about it.
We also talked to one couples that went through orientation before dinner then they had dinner at our table as well. It was the first time here for him but she had been through orientation once before about three years ago. They had been attending a few events at a different local club so they weren’t total newbies. They weren’t a good match for us physically but they were nice to talk to.
Also at the table was a single guy we had not seen before. And there was a single woman who attends frequently and another (sort of) couple. I don’t think the couple live together but they attend the club as a couple. The single women had said something to Jo about having intentions toward the male member of the couple when his girlfriend was late showing up. But then when the girlfriend showed up things changed.
We went out on the dance floor for a bit then wandered off to the play area a little bit earlier than most. We did a tour of the play area and found the single woman and man from our table in a cubby together but virtually no one else yet. We again found the bed monitor station unoccupied and stationed ourselves there for a few minutes until the designated couple showed up. They said we didn’t have to leave we could stay with them but we wandered off to see what else was going on. We ended up in the mirror room by ourselves for a while. We touched and kissed some and I believe some people paused and watched for a while but didn’t join us on the bed.
We then did another tour around the play area. There were some people playing in different areas but nothing of particular interest to us or their play area was already full. We ended up on “The Perch” where we could see a lot of the play area and play ourselves. We could see the bed monitor couple had some companions they were playing with and we could hear two other couples were having “a really good time” not far away. We had sex and cuddled for a while listening to the sounds of others having sex and watched another couple not too far away having sex. We saw the single woman from our table with a different guy and I decided she needn’t have worried about not getting the first guy she had designs on.
We went on another tour and found there was a couple in the mirror room. We weren’t interested in playing with them but we laid down on the opposite end of the bed from them and soon had sex again. After cuddling and drifting off to sleep a couple times we decided it was time to leave. Again we did a tour and found the single woman from our table in one of the “Frog Chairs” with still another guy. It was nice to see she was having a really good time after the apparent concern early on.
The party wasn’t all that great for us but it was still nice. Just talking and socializing with others is nice even if you don’t find playmates. And of course sex with each other in this environment is more exciting than in our own bed without others.