Last night Jo invited her brother, Nash, to the club with us. She told him about the club over a year ago and he expressed a lot of interest but always had reasons why he couldn’t go. He got most of the issues straightened out and attended the Wednesday party which has a lot of single women attending.
We haven’t gotten a detailed report yet but I expect he thought it was almost magical.
We went through orientation with him and three other singles. Two women and another guy. We went over the rules, toured the play areas, and discussed various scenarios to illustrate the rules.
Then we had dinner together with Kim, Janice, and another couple Janice knew. The conversation was sometimes sexually explicit and as the amateur strip contest proceeded women presented various body parts to him and invited touching by Jo and I just inches from Nash.
After the strip contest Jo and I danced for a while then started talking with another couple and eventually went to sit in the hot tub with them. The last we saw of Nash was he was dancing with one of the women we went through orientation with.
Jo and I ended up just playing with each other then going home but looked for Nash and couldn’t find him anywhere. His locker still had his contents in it and since he had his own car we just left without getting an update.
Jo later received a text message saying he had a wonderful time, was invited into the play area, and is going to join the club.
This has to be almost mind blowing for him. His last girlfriend wasn’t much interested in sex and it was sometime after six weeks of dating that they first had sex. I can’t imagine going without sex for six weeks and would have dropped her after two or three dates unless there were extenuating circumstances. Yet despite this slow start and continued lack of interest he dated her for about two and half years.
We are looking forward to a more complete report and Jo is going to come up with a “system” such that they can avoid seeing each other having sex when at the club at the same time.