Quote of the week: Patrycja

I dragged my husband here after I got tired of getting in trouble for cheating on him.  Now I couldn’t drag him away.  He’s upstairs having sex with one of his teachers from school now.

October 28, 2000
At a swingers party house.

Patrycja was a very interesting woman. It was fascinating to watch her “work” the men around her at the sex club. She would flirt a little bit and then ask them to do something for her. It could be to bring her a snack or jump in the pool and they would do it. She had them under her control as if they were puppets. She made a “ton” of money as a stripper which is where I suspect she perfected her skills of manipulation.

Quote of the week: Carl Pham

Hence, if I have sexual pleasure in the context of marriage — the marriage must be good! And the more I get my rocks off, the better it is!

These are “people” only in the broadest sense of the word. A previous, more perceptive age might’ve labeled them animals who walk on their hind legs.

Carl Pham
May 13, 2014

I found this comment in NEWS YOU CAN USE: Think Swinging Will Save Your Marriage? Think Again. He was referring to people such as Jo and I who enjoy group sex and other forms of non-monogamous relationships.

And here I thought we defeated the Nazis who regarded other people as sub humans in the mid 1940’s. But perhaps the “more perceptive age” he is referring to is the early 1940’s in Germany.

Quote of the week: Ronda

These are the largest breasts money can buy.

April 16, 2014

Jo and I heard this from a new couple we met on Wednesday. Her companion clarified that you could get larger ones but you had to leave the U.S. and go to someplace like Mexico before they would install larger implants.

Her breasts were very nice. I didn’t do any deep probing to try and detect the implants but from a cursory feel they appeared to be natural.

Quote of the week: Wilma

You can fuck him any way you like. Just don’t give him any fucking cookies.

March 28, 2014

I heard this while Wilma was leading a discussion group on the lifestyle and was reporting how she and her husband stumbled across a “trigger”. Her husband, Rocky, had a playmate that she was fine with. They could have sex and everything was cool. Then the playmate made him a plate of cookies.

No one expected it or understood it but Wilma had a strong reaction to the gift of cookies. She didn’t actually say the words above to the playmate but this is how she ultimately expressed it to get her feelings into manageable words.

It took a while to get it figured out and everything is cool now but it was a great example of the landmines that can blow up in your face in the lifestyle. You can have no idea something was there and then you get a really strong reaction. It takes some sensitivity and a lot of communication to deal with these things.

One woman I took to the club had a similarly strange reaction. This was our second visit to the club. We just played with each other the first time and on our second visit we were with another couple in a play area. She was getting a lot of hot attention for the other guy and I moved slowly with the other woman while watching to make sure my friend was okay with the things that were happening. She seemed to be having a good time and when they started having intercourse I moved from soft stroking of the other woman’s breasts to a kiss. As the kisses grew more passionate my friend became upset to the point it was clear it was time to leave. We disengaged ourselves, put our clothes on and left. She was really steamed and wasn’t even talking to me. It was a several hour drive back to our homes and after maybe thirty minutes she finally told me, “It would have been okay if you were to have fucked her. But not kissed.”

I apologized and told her I didn’t know that was a problem. I told her I didn’t intend to upset her and that I really wanted to talk about it. But there was not reaction from her for another hour.  Finally she reached over and put her hand on my leg. I touched her hand, rubbed it, and said, “Thank you.” I was getting really sleepy anyway and I soon found a motel to check into. I got a room with two beds because I didn’t know what she wanted—she still hadn’t said a word. She got into bed with me and immediately initiated sex.  We had a great time in bed and cuddled up to sleep for the night. We still didn’t talk about it. We talked about other things but not that. A couple of days later in IM she told me she was out of line. She didn’t really understand but the kissing bothered her. She realized it was crazy but that was what she felt. She was enjoying the sex with the other guy until I kissed his wife and then things just fell apart for her.

“Trigger”, “landmine”, whatever. They can show up when you least expect them. There have been a few “firecrackers” with Jo, but all have been relatively minor and easy to deal with.

Quote of the week: Mary

I told him, “This could work out well for you.”

March 15, 2014

Tom and Mary told Jo and I the story of how they met and got into the lifestyle.

The quote above was how Mary broke the news to the guy she had been dating that she was primarily a lesbian. She had a significant other woman that she had no plans of giving up. But she was willing to share.

Quote of the week: Susie

I was driving around late one night and turned around in a motel parking lot. These two truck drivers asked me to have coffee with them.

It was the first time I ever had sex with two men at the same time.  It was like being plugged into an electric circuit — I knew then I could never be in a sexually monogamous relationship again.

December 9, 1997

Susie was probably 50 years old when she told me this. Her story occurred maybe ten years earlier.

I’ve been told similar stories by several women. After they had sex with two men at the same time there was no way they could ever go back to monogamy. They knew they would be missing out on too much.

Quote of the week: Jo

This can’t be very interesting. There are only the two of them.

February 26, 2014

This was while Jo and I were in a bunk bed overlooking two mattresses on the floor. There were two couple in the play area and one couple had just left. Jo was suggesting we move someplace else with something more exciting to watch.