Last Wednesday we went to Club Pyrite.
I had hoped to get a massage from Gretchen. The sign up sheet was out and I put my name on it. But when I didn’t see her there for dinner and when it became close to the time for the massage I asked at the desk about her. They called and reported back that she wasn’t coming after all and that furthermore she may never be at the club again. Apparently someone “reported her” to her employer about working at the club. I don’t know what the complete story is but that was a pretty messed up thing to do. She never mixed sex with her work and in fact I she has been monogamous with her boyfriend for many months. I don’t really understand why an employer would have a legitimate issue with this. This was very disappointing to me. We were rather close friends and this makes it unlikely we will see each other.
We saw and talked to Sherman and Marylyn who we hadn’t seen in a quite a while. Sherman used to be the chef at the club and play with Marylyn after he finished with dinner. He was married but I think we only saw his wife once in the many months we saw him there. Marylyn and he became a couple and only played with each other at the club and we knew they were meeting outside the club as well. We wonder what the story is with his wife but never ask. It was nice to get caught up on things with them.
We had dinner and had no interest in anyone we saw there. We went into the play area and watched others, including Sherman and Marylyn, as we played with each other.