Another quiet evening

Last night Jo went to the Muppet movie with her best friend. It was the only night which was going to work out for them because of busy schedules. I wasn’t really invited because the Muppets were a long time obsession for both of them and the Muppets just don’t mean that much to me. So Jo said I could go to the club without her.

I was looking forward to it and was pleased when I saw both Brenda and Kim on the RSVP list for the party. I went home after work and checked with Jo to make sure she was still okay with it before I went off in hopes to play with another woman. She said she was fine with it and I couldn’t detect any hints of reservation in her reassurances so I drove to the club for dinner, conversation, and hopes of some quality playtime with, if not Brenda or Kim then, someone else.

It didn’t happen. At least not the playtime. The dinner and conversation were good, almost great even. I talked with Brenda and Kim a bunch before dinner and had dinner with them and continued the conversation. Janice came up to me and gave me a kiss which was nice. I have played with her a couple times before but I think she had someone else in her sights this time and I barely saw her again.

Kim seemed far more interested in doing the Karaoke thing than playing with anyone. Long after nearly everyone else had gone off to the hot tubs and the play area she was still singing. Brenda didn’t care for the Karaoke and left after about 45 minutes. I left the table not too long after Brenda did. She told the people at the table she wanted to spend some time in the hot tub before going home to be with her husband when he got back from attending a concert.

I saw Brenda in the locker room and asked if she was interested in playing but she said she wasn’t. Since her husband was home she was just spending some time in the hot tub. I got undressed before Brenda and got to the hot tub just as a couple was leaving. There were four or five guys and one woman in the tub. The woman was with her husband and I had never seen them play with anyone other than each other. There wasn’t going to be anything happening for me here. Brenda arrived not too much later, which improved the visuals, but I wasn’t that interested in just visuals so I left after getting warmed up (the dinning area was kind of cold and I had gotten chilled).

At the entrance to the play area I chatted with Steve and Candice a bit. He had just given her a massage. He asked about my “wife” and Candice said that if she had a choice between going to the club or the Muppet movie she would totally go to the movie. She got up from the massage table, completely naked, and chatted a moment or two longer as she wrapped a towel around her. I considered asking her if she wanted to play with me but she isn’t a good match for me. I probably would have accepted had she asked me however. She went off to the hot tub, Steve went off to wash his hands, and I stayed at the entrance to the play area for a few more minutes before deciding it was time to leave. It was 10:00 PM and Jo would be home any time and I would rather be cuddled up in bed with her than standing around alone feeling sorry for myself at the entrance to the play area. There didn’t seem to be many people in there anyway. There were  few couples leaving, some in the locker room, but other than Brenda and Candice in the hot tub I didn’t see any single women around.

I arrived home about 10:40 and got into bed with Jo. We talked a for a while then, as usual after a visit to the club, we had sex then had sex again this morning.